Since its inception in 1995, the Istanbul-based independent radio sta- tion Açık Radyo has provided a unique, egalitarian and collectively run public forum ‘open to all the sounds, colours and vibrations of the universe’. The station has channelled an immense diversity of knowledge and information, enabling the free exchange of opinions and conversation with a view to upholding the rights and fundamental freedoms essential for a pluralist democracy.

Açık Radyo’s contribution to the 17th Istanbul Biennial began with a 26-week programme, Radyo Bienal, which was aired every week on Mondays between the months of May and October 2021, and was followed by podcasts in English in 2022. Açık Radyo’s dialogues with the Biennial participants and audience will continue with an open studio at Barın Han featuring live broadcasts, radio performances and discussions, as well as an installation of a selection from the radio's sound and visual archives of 25+ years, accompanied by a special screening of Muntadas' 2010 documentary on Açık Radyo.

Açık Radyo [Open Radio] (estd. 1995, Istanbul, Turkey) is an Istanbul-based independent and collectively owned radio station, run and programmed mainly by volunteers. Founded by 62 partners holding equal shares, the station provides a unique, egalitarian and collectively run public forum ‘open to all the sounds, colours and vibrations of the universe’. It has channelled an immense diversity of knowledge across a wide range of subjects, and enabled the free exchange of opinions and conversation with a view to upholding the rights and freedoms fundamental to a healthy, pluralist democracy. Açık Radyo has been the recipient of numerous national and international awards since 1995 and was one of the Prince Claus Laureates in 2020 for its role in fostering fundamental human freedoms and pluralist democracy.

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