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In Turkish

Begüm Özkaynak, Ümit Şahin, Eymen Aktel (Yokoluş İsyanı Sanat Kolektifi / Extinction Rebellion Art Collective), Cihan Küçük, kaybid

The public event PETROLEUM revolves around hope and the necessity of discrediting fossil fuels. We discuss under the light of the urgency of climate crisis energy policies, the daily forms and flows of fossil fuels and their masculinity, politics of blood, petroleum and war; and arrive at environmental conflicts and justice, the impermanence and vitality of cities. We are in unanimous agreement on this subject: fossil fuels should be discredited and declared as an offensive weapon. We divert our attention to envisioning alternative futures and have full confidence in the transforming power of social movements, representation, creative and non-violent climate action and hope.

Digestion Programme

Designed by birbuçuk: Ecology and Art Studies consisting of climate change-energy economist and performance artist Ayşe Ceren Sarı, environmental scientist and artist Serkan Kaptan and curator Yasemin Ülgen, the Digestion Programme is a continuation of the ‘Respiration’ meetings organised by the collective in 2017 and 2018. In this series of public events, seemingly ordinary objects we are accustomed to as part of our daily lives will be brought up for discussion and examination. Placing the concept of socio-ecological metabolism at the centre, phenomenon such as water, agriculture, climate, energy, city, waste, gender, commons and future will be explored in relation to science, social movements and art practices, searching for possible dialogue opportunities in between.

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