I. Purpose

Establishment of an international Advisory Board consisting of experts in order to benefit from their insights and experiences on the strategies to be pursued by the Istanbul Biennial, organised by the İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı (Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, İKSV).

II. Tasks

1. Proposing candidates for the selection of the Biennial’s curator, who changes every two years,
2. Attending Advisory Board meetings held at regular intervals, providing opinions and suggestions on the developments reported by the selected curator and the Biennial Director,
3. Offering suggestions and comments contributing to the strategies related to the Biennial,
4. Providing suggestions and comments contributing to the publicity of the Biennial.

III. Composition

1. The Istanbul Biennial Advisory Board comprises five members, including two from Türkiye and three from abroad, with expertise in various fields of visual arts (artists, academics, curators, art critics, etc.). The number of members may be increased when deemed necessary.
2. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors of İKSV, the İKSV General Director, and the Biennial Director are natural members of the Advisory Board.
3. Members of the Advisory Board are determined by the Biennial Director in consultation with the İKSV General Director and the Chairperson of the İKSV Board of Directors.
4. Advisory Board members may not serve more than two editions.

IV. Method of Operation

1. The Istanbul Biennial Advisory Board convenes at least twice a year. Meeting dates are determined by the Biennial Director by consulting the members. Biennial Director may request additional meetings if deemed necessary.
2. The Advisory Board’s discussions regarding the Biennial shall remain confidential and not be disclosed to the public, proposed curator candidates, or any third party.
3. Membership of a member who fails to attend the Board’s work for two consecutive times without excuse is automatically terminated.
4. Suggestions of the Advisory Board regarding curator candidates are determined by majority vote.
5. The Advisory Board suggests three curator candidates, prioritised as candidate 1, candidate 2 and candidate 3. İKSV management (Biennial Director, General Director of İKSV, and Chairperson of the İKSV Board) cannot appoint anyone other than the three nominated candidates as the Istanbul Biennial Curator and invites one of these three candidates as the Istanbul Biennial Curator. The Istanbul Biennial curator is finalised when the invited curator accepts the invitation. No announcements about the curator can be made, and the suggested curator cannot be informed until the Curator is finalised.
6. Advisory Board members cannot be offered curatorial positions during their term of office (even if they resign from the Advisory Board until the end of the curatorial selection process of that year).
7. The members of the Advisory Board are paid a consultancy fee of 1,000.00 Euro for each edition. Travel expenses for members from outside Istanbul are covered by İKSV.
8. The Biennial Director sends meeting agendas before the meeting and meeting notes after the meeting to Advisory Board Members.
9. Members of the Advisory Board are informed by the Biennial Director about developments related to the Biennial via e-mail. In cases where urgent information is required apart from the meeting, the Advisory Board can be frequently informed, and their opinions can be consulted.

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